This one will Turn heads!!! The ole 33 nosler are finally out …….. AND THIS ONE IS SOLD!
- Defiance Deviant 100% all integral Hunter action
- Defiance modified extraction system, A heavily fluted one piece bolt, Tear drop knob
- Complete action small parts and bolt are completely melonited and are impervious to the elements
- Bartlein 5R cut rifled barrel spiral fluted 26″ finish 1-10″ twist
- Jewel trigger set at 1.5#
- LPR custom shorty 3 port 90 degree directional brake
- Custom machined action screws
- HS precision DBM with one 3 round mag
- Mcmillan A3 Sporter swirly stock fully pillar bedded 50% orange 50%black
- Atlas rail
- Flush cups installed on bottom of stock front and rear
- Two tone KG SATIN BLACK with safety orange flutes!!!
- Chambered in: 33 nosler
- Finished weight of 7.25 pounds
- Accuracy Guarantee of 1/2″ @ 100 yards or better (usually much better). All my rifles are shot and proven by me and all load data with dummy round and proof target provided to customer!!!
- Ultimate Base rifle Only price $5750.00